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At the "New" Crestwood Civic Center
13820 S. Cicero, Crestwood, IL 60418
Open to the Public Sat 12:30 - 4:00 pm, Sun 10 am - 4 pm
Exhibitor Set-up Fri 9/12/2025 6 -10 pm, Sat 5 am - 10am
We encourage all to participate as competitors, view with friends and family, and to photogragh and share the beauty of our incredible Dahlia.Displays! Growers from all over the Midwest will drive their dahlia blooms to Crestwood to compete for prizes and pleasure. Over 600 blooms will be on display with Awards for Largest Dahlia in Show, Most Perfect Dahlia in Show and People's Choice Winner!
The new Crestwood Civic Center is a perfect venue for this Dahlia Flower Show! Free admission, free and abundant parking, accessible for all visitors. SDC thanks the Village of Crestwood for continuing their support of this wonderful community event. The Crestwood Civic Center is just a few miles from the I-294 127th / Cicero Street Exit. A good selection of safe, reasonably priced overnight accomodations and restaurants are close-by. See the 2023 Show by clicking the link.
Bloom "staging" will be Friday 9/12/2025 from 6-10pm, and Saturday 9/13/2025 from 5 am to 10am. Blooms must be "On the Table" by 10am Saturday 9/13/2025. All blooms except vase arrangements must be "disbudded" and presented with at least one set of "true leaves." SDC provides standard ADS vases and Show Tags, pegs, and oasis. Competitors in Basket categories must provide their own basket which requires a handle, and will be arranged front facing. The show booklet gives more details. Link to 2024 Show Booklet below, with 2025 booklet available in August 2025.
Please report to Show Co-Chairs Robin Hill or Sue Fitzgerald to confirm your entry section based on categories as listed in the Show Booklet. Teams of Judges and Clerks are needed to determine winners and compile results. A great way to learn more about dahlias - clerks do not need any experience. Please jump in!
9/12/2025 Friday 3-6pm - members set up for Show - all hands requested
9/12/2025 Friday 6-10pm Exhibitor Bloom staging - let us know if you need help
9/13/2025 Saturday 5 -10am - Exhibitor Bloom Staging
9/13/2025 Saturday 10 am till completed - Judging - Recording
9/13/2025 Saturday 1230pm - Exhibitor and Volunteer Lunch provided by SDC
9/13/2025 Saturday 12:30 pm- 4:30 pm - Open to the Public
9/14/2025 Sunday 10am to 4pm - Open to the Public, Members will host visitors as they arrive
9/14/2025 Sunday 4-6pm - Members dissasemble Show - blooms available for helpers
Show sections are constructed to "level the playing field." Those who have exhibited for three years or less compete in the "Novice" category with others of similar experience. SDC members will show you how! Contact us at to get more information.
Southtown Dahlia Club Chicago South Suburbs
A Participating Member of the American Dahlia Society and the Midwest Dahlia Conference